Thursday, December 24, 2020


 I like to share this poem once a year, because I find it a good reminder of what we have been given.

I am also including an illustration of a present. I've often seen the imagery of Christ in the stereotypical depiction of a gift. You may see crossing red ribbon, topped with a spiky bow. I remember a Savior wearing a crown of thorns and hanging on a cross, shedding His blood for my sake. And green wrapping paper reminds me of the life and growth which God gives to us. What a wonderful God!


‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through my mind

My thoughts were a’ wandering, some vague, some defined.

The thoughts which I had were of God above

And how He gives us good things out of love.

The moon, sun, mountains, rain, and the snow

Have filled my life with a heavenly glow.

God gave me a family, a home to belong,

To love, to know, and to help me grow strong.

Blessed though I was, He blessed me some more.

My sinful soul He began to restore.

He saved me from death, from shame, and from self.

The greatest gift He gave was Himself.

A Baby King born so long ago,

Was the greatest Gift which God could bestow.

God. With. Us. Emmanuel.

God in flesh, with man to dwell.

The only way to save me from sin

Was for God on high to enter in.

A sacrifice was needed to save.

Christ faced the Cross and entered the grave.

My death is dead, because He died,

And because He arose, I am now alive!

I have a new family of Flesh and Blood

Which He purchased with nails, redemption, and love.

I have sisters and brothers, united thus

When Christ’s broken Body was given for us.

His Blood, poured out for you and me,

Has placed us on His family Tree.

We’re related by Blood and by Flesh, it is true,

Because Jesus died for me and for you.

I have a new family to love and to serve

This blessing I never could earn or deserve.

Unmerited favor cannot be obtained.

It is a gift of God, divinely ordained.

God’s grace is never based on myself.

If I was worthy, I wouldn’t need help.

I am blessed beyond measure, blessed to be free,

Blessed that my God has sought out me.

I’m secure in salvation, a gift so immense.

In saving my soul, God had spared no expense.

What price did He place on my life and my soul?

He gave up Himself to pay sin’s deadly toll.

Though He had already given His Son,

Still, God’s giving days were not yet done.

After defeating Death and the Grave,

Christ next explained how a Helper would save.

God’s saving Grace has redeemed my soul,

But Christ-likeness is now my goal.

I can’t succeed and be my best

If I depend on just my flesh.

I need a Helper to save me from me

To help me to be the best I can be.

God once more gave Himself to save.

He rescues me from being a slave.

I do not have to serve my flesh.

I do not have to remain a mess.

The Holy Spirit is changing me.

His Holy Love won’t let me be.

My Teacher, my Comforter, my Guide, and my Friend

Has reformed my heart, and continues to mend.

I’m being remade by my favorite present:

My God, the perfect omni-present.

It’s Christmas Eve, the perfect time

To bring these blessed thoughts to mind.

It’s a time of giving, so I will recall

How God has given me His all.

The greatest gift I have ever been given

Comes from the One Whom my sins has forgiven.

He saved me once by giving Himself,

And He saves me still with constant Help.

So many gifts and what joy each one brings!

My loving Father gives very good things.

I imagine the anticipation of Christ’s birth

Knowing God, in flesh, had come to earth.

I imagine the anticipation of Pentecost

Knowing God, in Spirit, would guide the lost.

I feel the anticipation of Christmas Day,

Knowing there will be gifts, and laughter, and play.

I lay and I thought, counting more than sheep.

I counted my blessings as I drifted to sleep.

It was Christmas Eve, late in December.

I had taken some time to reflect and remember.

I thought of my blessings and all of the presents,

But the best gift of all which God gives is His presence.