Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Things I love:
Beginning the drive home just as the sunset begins so that I can watch it set throughout the entire drive. The sun reflected off the road, and ignited my imagination. The golden sun created golden pavement as if I were travelling on a highway of gold. With a halo of clouds adorning it, the sun sank into a large cloud pillow. It seemed to be going to bed and peeked sleepily over the clouds once more before sinking into darkness. It all served to remind me of God's beauty and control, and I arrived home with hope as if the sun had passed its final spark of light directly into my heart.
Wednesday 3-6-2013
I saw three Chairs before me,
And I knew I had to choose.
Which chair would I sit in?
Which chair would I use?
I stopped and thought awhile
For my life was at stake.
The very nature of my heart
Was the choice that I would make.
The First Chair was appealing
For it was close to God.
A life absorbed in God alone,
No fear and no façade.
Just God and me, together.
We’d never be apart.
I’d follow His commands and Words.
He’d have all of my heart!
Yet, such a Chair was costly.
It asked so much of me.
I’d have to set aside my ways.
Didn’t know how I’d be free.
I was afraid of losing
Myself in all His care.
And so, I looked beyond Chair One
For a less demanding Chair.
The Second Chair seemed simple,
Not requiring all my days.
I’d still have God, but I would choose
What times to offer praise.
God would be in the corner
If I ever needed His aid,
And I could choose to come or go,
No matter if I’d prayed.
Yet, this Chair, too, was costly,
For I could never win
If I would still share my life
With the likes of Him.
My life would be a stalemate
Between this God and me.
I’d live with guilt for all my life,
And still not be free.
The Third Chair was alluring.
I’d be free to do MY will.
I could go and do anything,
And drink of life to the fill!
I wouldn’t need guilt
To tell me what to do.
I would get to judge my life,
Deciding what was true.
Yet, this Chair’s cost was highest
For I knew I’d lose my soul.
I knew I had to fix my sight
On a more eternal goal.
If I ignored God,
Pretended I’m alright,
I’d never open up for HIM
To set my life aright.
The Chairs sat and stared,
And I stared, too.
I knew my heart was hinged upon
The choice that I would choose.
Was I prepared to choose
A choice where I’d be free
To do my will? Or, did I want
To free myself of me?
Resolved, I made my choice,
And sat in Chair One.
I chose to sit upon God’s grace,
And rest in victory won.
True freedom came at last
When I was born above,
And gave up all my chains of Want
To be bound in chains of Love!
True freedom, then, at last!!
No burden left to bear.
God took possession of my heart,
And I will leave it there!
His Word will lead and guide.
I’ll follow His decree,
For I am lost inside His love.
Content. Just God and me.
Then, as I sat in joy,
I looked around to see
A crowd of other people who
Were drawing near to me.
Friends, family, children,
And some I didn’t know.
And yet, all seemed to look on me
To see where they should go.
I sat, then, in awe,
Of the choice that I had made.
I hadn’t truly known the reach
Of the truth my choice conveyed.
My life is a message,
Which others, surely, will read.
Does my life show them the Truth and the Way
So they, too, can be freed?
God plans and works to bless the world,
And will I pass it on?
I’ve learned that what you do not have
You surely can’t pass on.
I live God’s blessings, then,
And I will seek to share
With those around so they may know
The blessings of First Chair.
I can put on a show,
And fake holy zeal.
But, how can I point to real life
If I’m not being real?
In reality, work is required,
And if I want to bless,
I must embrace God’s Work and Word
And considerably invest.
If I sow in the flesh
I’ll only reap corruption.
But, if I choose to sow in Spirit,
I will reap salvation.
I cannot write my eulogy,
Except in how I live.
A legacy eternally sound
Is what I long to give.
I look back to my choice,
And then I look ahead.
What legacy will I have left
When I at last am dead?
Though it will cost my life,
Still, I will serve on,
And always, always, ask myself,
What will I pass on?
I saw three Chairs before me,
And I knew I had to choose.
Which chair would I sit in?
Which chair would I use?
I stopped and thought awhile
For my life was at stake.
The very nature of my heart
Was the choice that I would make.
The First Chair was appealing
For it was close to God.
A life absorbed in God alone,
No fear and no façade.
Just God and me, together.
We’d never be apart.
I’d follow His commands and Words.
He’d have all of my heart!
Yet, such a Chair was costly.
It asked so much of me.
I’d have to set aside my ways.
Didn’t know how I’d be free.
I was afraid of losing
Myself in all His care.
And so, I looked beyond Chair One
For a less demanding Chair.
The Second Chair seemed simple,
Not requiring all my days.
I’d still have God, but I would choose
What times to offer praise.
God would be in the corner
If I ever needed His aid,
And I could choose to come or go,
No matter if I’d prayed.
Yet, this Chair, too, was costly,
For I could never win
If I would still share my life
With the likes of Him.
My life would be a stalemate
Between this God and me.
I’d live with guilt for all my life,
And still not be free.
The Third Chair was alluring.
I’d be free to do MY will.
I could go and do anything,
And drink of life to the fill!
I wouldn’t need guilt
To tell me what to do.
I would get to judge my life,
Deciding what was true.
Yet, this Chair’s cost was highest
For I knew I’d lose my soul.
I knew I had to fix my sight
On a more eternal goal.
If I ignored God,
Pretended I’m alright,
I’d never open up for HIM
To set my life aright.
The Chairs sat and stared,
And I stared, too.
I knew my heart was hinged upon
The choice that I would choose.
Was I prepared to choose
A choice where I’d be free
To do my will? Or, did I want
To free myself of me?
Resolved, I made my choice,
And sat in Chair One.
I chose to sit upon God’s grace,
And rest in victory won.
True freedom came at last
When I was born above,
And gave up all my chains of Want
To be bound in chains of Love!
True freedom, then, at last!!
No burden left to bear.
God took possession of my heart,
And I will leave it there!
His Word will lead and guide.
I’ll follow His decree,
For I am lost inside His love.
Content. Just God and me.
Then, as I sat in joy,
I looked around to see
A crowd of other people who
Were drawing near to me.
Friends, family, children,
And some I didn’t know.
And yet, all seemed to look on me
To see where they should go.
I sat, then, in awe,
Of the choice that I had made.
I hadn’t truly known the reach
Of the truth my choice conveyed.
My life is a message,
Which others, surely, will read.
Does my life show them the Truth and the Way
So they, too, can be freed?
God plans and works to bless the world,
And will I pass it on?
I’ve learned that what you do not have
You surely can’t pass on.
I live God’s blessings, then,
And I will seek to share
With those around so they may know
The blessings of First Chair.
I can put on a show,
And fake holy zeal.
But, how can I point to real life
If I’m not being real?
In reality, work is required,
And if I want to bless,
I must embrace God’s Work and Word
And considerably invest.
If I sow in the flesh
I’ll only reap corruption.
But, if I choose to sow in Spirit,
I will reap salvation.
I cannot write my eulogy,
Except in how I live.
A legacy eternally sound
Is what I long to give.
I look back to my choice,
And then I look ahead.
What legacy will I have left
When I at last am dead?
Though it will cost my life,
Still, I will serve on,
And always, always, ask myself,
What will I pass on?
Feelings. Faith. Facts.
Feelings following faith, following the facts from the Father.
We follow the facts, the promises of our Father's favor and faithfulness, standing firm in the foundational truths articulated in the autographs of the immutable, infallible God.
Though the fortitude of our faith flows, the facts never fluctuate and are never found to fail. The facts fortify the flow of our faith, keeping it fast and firm.
Our feelings fluctuate further and more frequently than our faith. Yet, the facts remain firm. Follow the facts, finding them firmly founded in God's flawless and perfectly faithful nature, and your feelings will fall in line.
If our fluctuating feelings follow our flowing faith, which follows foundational fact, then we will be following the Father and despite the difficulties and fears in life, we will be firmly fastened in His faithfulness.
We follow the facts, the promises of our Father's favor and faithfulness, standing firm in the foundational truths articulated in the autographs of the immutable, infallible God.
Though the fortitude of our faith flows, the facts never fluctuate and are never found to fail. The facts fortify the flow of our faith, keeping it fast and firm.
Our feelings fluctuate further and more frequently than our faith. Yet, the facts remain firm. Follow the facts, finding them firmly founded in God's flawless and perfectly faithful nature, and your feelings will fall in line.
If our fluctuating feelings follow our flowing faith, which follows foundational fact, then we will be following the Father and despite the difficulties and fears in life, we will be firmly fastened in His faithfulness.
Praying is a Dangerous Thing. You Could end up Changed.
The Lord's Prayer:
Daddy, You're above all, and Your Name is above all other names. Your Name is holy, and You're set apart and sacred in Your majesty. No one is like You.
God, You reign in heaven, above all, and I want You to reign in my heart and in my life so that I will be ready to do Your will. I see You at work here in this world, and it gets me so excited! I want to see more! I want You to use me to accomplish Your purposes here on this earth just like Your puproses are fulfilled in heaven. I want to serve You.
Please, continue to provide for me the things that I need for living and serving today, but don't give me too much, or I'll grow complacent and begin to think that I don't need You.
I need Your grace and mercy, because I fail so often. Remind me of that grace when I see others' shortcomings and how they have failed me. God, I know that it's only through Your mercy that I stand, and I can't stand in Your mercy if I'm not living mercifully.
Don't let me chase after my own desires above You. Don't even let me go one step down that path. We both know where that leads, and we both know it ain't pretty. I'm easily overcome when it's up to me. I don't want to stray away from You, but I need Your help with this one. Every time I put something before You in importance, I'm following my own path into evil. You're going to have to save me from all these evils, because I'm tempted a lot. Only You can rescue me from myself.
You're the One Who reigns, You alone possess the power to get things done, and You get all the recognition for Your perfect works.
Valentine's Day Love
I've found the love of my life! He's perfect, exactly what I want and need. He inspires me and challenges me. I'm always better when I'm with Him. He's faithful and pure. He's wise and caring. He speaks peace and teaches truth. He sacrifices for me and others, serving everyone as they have need. Each day with Him makes me feel like a flower in bloom, and I linger, wanting to memorize each Word He says. Each new moment with Him is the new best moment of my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
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