Saturday, July 4, 2009


Alone with You, my Lord.
Alone, my God, my King.
I’m struggling to worship You.
I’m trying hard to sing.

In this place of desolation
My heart is thirsty for
A place where I will worship,
A sky where I can soar.

But people close around me.
Secularity surrounds me.
These “Christians” they drown me,
Until Your love has found me.

You throw me to the sky
With updrafts of Your love.
Though I must soar alone,
I still will soar above.

So, this is my choice:
I will lift my voice.
I will rise and sing.
I will praise my King.
I will give my all,
Though others may fall.
I will rise and soar,
And fly for my Lord

Though I must soar alone,
I still will soar above.